Probe for EPMA

Probe for EPMA: Acquisition, Automation and Analysis

Probe For EPMA is designed for maximum compatibility for interfacing simultaneously with your existing OEM EPMA instrument computer system.

Probe Software utilizes a sophisticated and advanced native TCP/IP implementation for all instrument communication, therefore no alteration to your current system is required. This means that both the OEM and Probe Software applications work together to improve your productivity and expand your analytical options.

Probe for EPMA Icon

No instrument hardware or network configuration changes are required to run Probe for EPMA. Simply add a PC, install the software and connect a network cable to your existing instrument network!

Download Technical Specifications PDF

Complete Instrument Support

Cameca SX100, SXFive and JEOL 8900, 8200, 8500, 8230, 8530, iSP100, iHP200F EPMA instruments

  • Allows both Probe Software and your OEM software to be connected simultaneously to your JEOL and Cameca instruments without re-configuration or re-connection.
  • Now you can have the powerful Probe for EPMA algorithms running on your new or existing JEOL or Cameca instruments with just a simple network connection!
  • Allows maximum flexibility for acquisition, automation and analysis of points and pixels.
  • Probe for EPMA has an unlimited redistribution license for off-line data re-processing!
  • Everyone who acquires data with your instrument can have a copy for off-line analysis of their data. Re-process your EPMA data in your office or on the road!
  • All x-ray intensity data and operating conditions from each microprobe run are saved automatically (data for all utilized standards, unknowns, wavelength scans, digitized coordinates, images, etc.). All user specified parameters are automatically preserved for subsequent re-processing!
  • Add or drop analyzed or specified (unanalyzed) elements at any time during the acquisition.
  • Automatic saving of all peaking and PHA scans including instrument conditions and sample information.
  • Software updates are always free and instantly downloadable.
Download Probe for EPMA Brochure PDF

Probe for EPMA is available free for simulation, teaching and re-processing of previously acquired data!

Learn more on our Resources page
"flight deck" arrangement on JEOL 8530
"flight deck" monitor arrangement on SX100
"flight deck" monitor arrangement on JEOL 8200

Summary of Unique Features

Interference correction example
K TDI fit plot

Quantitative Spectral Interference Corrections

Easily and automatically correct for spectral interferences for both WDS and EDS elements for up to 5 interfering elements per element. Perform trace element quantification with confidence!

Learn more about spectral interference correctionsDownload Interference Corrections (1993) PDF

Time Dependent Intensity (TDI) Corrections

Automatically correct for intensity changes over time for beam sensitive materials using our unique log-linear, quadratic and log-log TDI modeling. Never again limit your sensitivity or spatial resolution for beam sensitive materials!

Learn more about TDI corrections for beam sensitive samplesDownload Time Dependent Intensity PDFDownload TDI Scanning for X-ray Maps PDF
blank correction figure showing holes in background
Blank correction figure

Blank Corrections for High Accuracy Trace Element Analyses

Modern EPMA instruments equipped with large area analyzing crystals can now routinely achieve sensitivities for most elements in the 10 to 100 PPM levels. However, because of various sample and instrumental artifacts in the x-ray continuum, absolute accuracy is more often the limiting factor for trace element quantification.

Therefore, Probe Software provides a quantitative “blank” correction which can be automatically applied to x-ray intensities during the matrix iteration process to correct for these systematic errors.

Learn more about blank corrections for trace elementsDownload Blank Correction PDF
multi point background explanation

Multi-Point Backgrounds (MPB) for Extreme Trace Element Accuracy

Use multiple (up to 18 per side) off-peak positions to dynamically calculate the best possible background fit and avoid off-peak overlaps automatically while also compensating for curved backgrounds.

Learn more about multi-point backgroundsDownload MultiPoint Background PDF
Off-peak vs. MAN background modeling for X-ray maps

Mean Atomic Number (MAN) Background Corrections

Mean atomic number background corrections provide a unique, fast, high precision method for background removal for WDS analyses without off-peak background acquisitions.

Improve acquisition speed for all elements while improving precision for trace elements in half the time!

Learn more about mean atomic number correctionsDownload MAN Backgrounds (1996) PDF
WDS and EDS integration

Full Integration of WDS and EDS

Probe for EPMA integrates WDS with EDS spectrum acquisition from both JEOL and Bruker EDS detectors, providing fully integrated acquisition, quantitative analysis and statistics for all analyzed elements.

Learn more about EDS/WDS integrationDownload Integrated EDS/WDS PDF
CL integration display

Full Integration of Ocean Optics CL interface

Probe for EPMA supports integration of cathodo-luminescence (CL) spectrum acquisition for manual or automated point analyses. This CL spectrum acquisition can be performed in parallel with WDS intensity and EDS spectrum acquisitions.

Learn more about CL integrationDownload Integrated CL PDF

Probe Software Provides an Unlimited Site License

person working on laptop

Our Site License Allows for unlimited software distribution for data re-processing and output and complete WDS and EDS simulation and quantification for classroom teaching without an instrument.

Every student, client, user or faculty member gets a free copy of our applications for complete and flexible data re-processing in their office or on the road!

Learn more about Probe for EPMA simulation mode for teaching on our user forum