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Selected Institutions utilizing Probe for EPMA on their Electron Microprobe Instruments
Note: If you see your lab listed here and we have not linked to your laboratory web page, please contact Probe Software.
James Cook University (Australia), JEOL iHP200F
Chinese Academy of Geosciences (China), JEOL iHP200F
University of Queensland (Australia), JEOL iHP200F
Australian National University (Australia), JEOL 8530
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), JEOL 8230
University of Muenster (Germany), JEOL iHP200F
University of Tasmania (Australia), JEOL 8530, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
ETH Zurich (Switzerland), JEOL 8230
University of Arizona, Cameca SX100
California Institute of Technology, JEOL iHP200F
University of Exeter (United Kingdom), JEOL 8200
Sandia National Laboratory, JEOL 8530
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Cameca SXFive Tactis
Geological Survey of Finland (Finland), JEOL iHP200F
University of Toronto (Canada), JEOL 8230
Cambridge University (United Kingdom), JEOL iHP200F
University of Hannover (Germany), JEOL iHP200F
Johnson-Matthey (United Kingdom), iHP200F
University of British Columbia (Canada), JEOL iHP200F, Bruker Esprit EDS
Umicore (Belgium), JEOL 8230
University of Nevada (Reno), JEOL iHP200F, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
The University of Auckland (New Zealand), JEOL 8530
Louisiana State University, JEOL 8230
Université d’Orléans (CNRS · BRGM) (France), JEOL iHP200F
United States Geological Survey (USGS) Menlo Park, JEOL 8530, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
Ontario Geological Survery (Canada), JEOL 8230
Masaryk University (Czech Republic), Cameca SX100
JEOL Ltd Japan, JEOL iHP200F and iSP100
Bundesanstalt für Geologie and Rohstoffe (BGR) (Germany), JEOL 8530
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, JEOL 8530, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Morelia) (Mexico), JEOL 8230
University of Science and Technology of China (Hefei) (China), JEOL 8530
Los Alamos National Laboratory, JEOL 8200
University of Utah (Salt Lake City), Cameca SX100
University of Western Australia (Perth) (Australia), JEOL 8530 (2nd)
University of Vienna, (Austria) Cameca SXFive
Natural Resources Canada (Ottawa) (Canada), JEOL 8230
USGS Denver, JEOL 8530, Thermo Pathfinder and JEOL EDS
Queen’s University (Canada), JEOL 8230
University of Manchester (UK), JEOL 8530 and Cameca SX100
Macquarie University (Australia), Cameca SX100
University College London (UK), JEOL 8100
Korea Polar Research Institute (South Korea), JEOL 8530
Cameca (France), Cameca SXFive
University of Colorado (Boulder), JEOL 8230, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
University of Minnesota (Minneapolis), JEOL 8530, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), Cameca SX100
Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCKCEN), (Belgium), Cameca SX100R
NASA (Johnson Space Center), JEOL 8530
Museum of Natural History, (Berlin), (Germany), JEOL 8500, Bruker Esprit EDS
National Energy Technology Laboratory, Albany, OR, JEOL 8530
The Smithsonian Institution (Washington, D.C.), JEOL 8530, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
GE Power and Water, Greenville, SC, JEOL 8530
Boise State University, Cameca SXFive
Utrecht University (Netherlands), JEOL 8530
The Boeing Company, North Charleston, SC, JEOL 8530
University of Queensland (Australia), JEOL 8200, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
University of Ottawa (Canada), JEOL 8230
Texas A & M University, Cameca SXFive, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
The Boeing Company, Seattle, WA, JEOL 8530
Carnegie Geophysical Institute, JEOL 8530, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
Memorial University (Canada), JEOL 8230
University of Calgary (Canada), JEOL 8200, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
Schafer Laboratories (Sunol, CA), JEOL 8200
University of Oklahoma, Cameca SX100
AWE (United Kingdom), JEOL 8500
University of Alberta (Canada), Cameca SX100 and JEOL 8900
Umicore Olen (Belgium), JEOL 8800
University of Wisconsin, Cameca SXFive, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
Queensland University of Technology (Australia), JEOL 8530
University of Bristol (United Kingdom), JEOL 8530, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
University of Tulsa, JEOL 8200
Natural History Museum of Vienna (Austria), JEOL 8530
Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), JEOL 8530
Corning Inc., JEOL 8500, Bruker Esprit EDS
University of Leeds (United Kingdom), JEOL 8230
Arizona State University, JEOL 8530
University of Alaska, JEOL 8530, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
General Electric Global Research, JEOL 8530
University of Wyoming, JEOL 8900
Stanford University, JEOL 8230
University of Adelaide (Australia), Cameca SXFive
BASF Corporation, Cameca SX100, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
University of New Mexico, JEOL 8200
University of Las Vegas, JEOL 8900
OakRidge National Laboratory, JEOL 8200
RWTH Aachen (Germany), JEOL 8530
University of Manitoba (Canada), Cameca SX100
University of Western Australia (Perth) (Australia), JEOL 8530
Lehigh University, JEOL 8900
Helmholtz-Zentrum, Dresden (Germany) , JEOL 8900
Johnson Matthey (United Kingdom), JEOL 8500
London Museum of Natural History (United Kingdom), SX100
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, EMSL, JEOL 8530
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, UTB, JEOL 8530
Exxon-Mobil Research & Development, JEOL 8530, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
United States Geological Survey (Reston), JEOL 8900, Bruker Esprit EDS
Carnegie Geophysical Institute, JEOL 8900
Institute for Transuranium Elements (Germany), Cameca SX100R, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
Idaho National Laboratory, Cameca SX100R
University of Minnesota, JEOL 8900
McGill University (Canada), JEOL 8900
Idaho National Laboratory, JEOL 8900
University of Tasmania at Hobart (Australia), Cameca SX100
Saskatchewan Research Council (Canada), Cameca SX100
UC Santa Barbara, Cameca SX100, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
University of Oregon, Cameca SX100, Thermo Pathfinder EDS
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, JEOL 8200
Rutgers University, JEOL 8200
General Electric Global Research, JEOL 8200
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, JEOL 8200
University of Massachusetts, Cameca SX100
Ontario Geological Survey (Canada), Cameca SX100
Natural Resources Canada (Ottawa) (Canada), JEOL 8900
National Institute of Standards & Technology (Gaithersburg), JEOL 8500, Bruker Esprit EDS
NASA (Marshall Space Flight Center), JEOL 8900
Dalhousie University (Canada), JEOL 8200
University of Texas (Austin), JEOL 8200
NASA (Glenn), JEOL 8200
NASA (Johnson Space Center), Cameca SX100
McCrone & Associates, JEOL 8200
University of Hawaii, JEOL 8500
Washington State University, JEOL 8500
United States Geological Survey (Menlo Park), JEOL 8900
United States Geological Survey (Denver), JEOL 8900
The Smithsonian Institution (Washington, D.C.), JEOL 8900
Sandia National Laboratory, Cameca SX100
Washington University (St. Louis, MO), JEOL 8200